About Kim

Born under the warm Texas sun in the lively city of Austin, Kim's life was destined to be as varied as the cards she'd one day master. With a dad from the industrial heart of Burnley, England, and a mother from the serene landscapes of Ohio, Kim's life was a melange of cultures and experiences right from the outset. Holding dual citizenship until the age of 18, she often mused, "I had the best of both worlds, even if that offer seemed to have an expiration date."

Travel played a significant role in shaping the tapestry of Kim's life. Adventures on sailboats became a family tradition, with journeys through the turquoise waters of the British Virgin Islands, the sunlit expanses of the Florida Keys, and even the unpredictable waves of the Chesapeake. These trips weren't just vacations; they were lessons in resilience, patience, and the art of navigating life's uncertain waters. To this day, Kim proudly proclaims, "Yes, I can and do still sail."

Higher education became another vast ocean for Kim to navigate. From East Tennessee State to Walters State College, she sailed through different academic terrains, accumulating an impressive 130 credits across various institutions. Philosophy and psychology were her anchors, helping her ponder life's greatest questions. But, despite this extensive academic exploration, a conventional degree eluded her. Instead, she boasts of being 'well-rounded', having tasted a bit of everything the academic world had to offer.

Eventually, she docked at the Tennessee Tech Institute, where she attained a tech degree. This led to a 12-year stint in a job she often described as 'mundane'. It was steady, predictable, much like the calm before a storm.

And then, the storm arrived, not as chaos, but as clarity. Kim discovered Tarot. The intricate symbols on the cards weren't just drawings; they were a mirror to her life, her challenges, her past, and her potential future. Drawing parallels from her own experiences, she understood that life, much like a tarot deck, is a mix of major and minor arcana; significant events and day-to-day challenges.

In the cards, Kim found her calling. Her diverse background, rich with experiences from different parts of the world and varied academic pursuits, gave her a unique perspective as a tarot reader. She wasn't just predicting the future; she was helping others navigate it, much like she had learned to sail through choppy waters.

Today, as one of the most sought-after tarot readers, Kim's journey is a testament to the fact that life doesn't follow a linear path. It zigs and zags, and in those unpredictable turns, lies the magic, the mystery, and the lessons that make life truly enriching.

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