Tarot and Green Living: Sustainable Practices in Reading

Tarot and Green Living: Sustainable Practices in Reading

Integrating Green Living into Tarot Reading Practices

As a tarot reader, I’ve always been fascinated by the connection between the spiritual and the physical world. The cards, with their intricate designs and profound meanings, serve as a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the tangible and the intangible. But recently, I’ve been pondering another connection – the one between tarot and green living.

You see, tarot reading, at its core, is about understanding and navigating the energies of the universe. It’s about finding balance and harmony in our lives. And isn’t that what green living is all about too? It’s about living in a way that’s in harmony with the earth, about finding a balance that’s sustainable for both us and the planet.

So, I started to think about how I could integrate these two passions of mine – tarot and green living. The first step, of course, was to look at the physical tools of the trade. Most tarot decks are made from paper, which means trees have to be cut down to produce them. But there are alternatives. I discovered that there are tarot decks made from recycled paper or sustainable sources of wood. Some are even printed with eco-friendly inks. I made the switch and it felt good knowing that my readings were not contributing to deforestation.

Next, I looked at the energy I was using during my readings. I often burn candles to create a serene and sacred space. But I realized that many candles are made from paraffin wax, which is derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. So, I started using candles made from beeswax or soy wax instead. They burn just as beautifully and they’re much better for the environment.

But integrating green living into my tarot practice wasn’t just about making physical changes. It was also about bringing the principles of sustainability into the readings themselves. I started to pay more attention to the earth-related cards in the deck, like the Pentacles suit and The Empress, which symbolizes Mother Earth. I found that these cards often had messages about living in harmony with nature, about respecting and nurturing the earth.

I also started to incorporate green living advice into my readings. For example, if a client was struggling with a decision, I might suggest they take some time to connect with nature, to ground themselves and find clarity. Or if a client was feeling overwhelmed, I might recommend they try some eco-therapy, like gardening or hiking, to reduce stress and improve mental health.

The more I integrated green living into my tarot practice, the more I realized how interconnected everything is. The cards, the earth, our actions – they’re all part of the same web of energy. And by making sustainable choices, we’re not just helping the planet, we’re also aligning ourselves with the natural flow of the universe.

So, if you’re a tarot reader, I encourage you to think about how you can make your practice more sustainable. It’s not just about doing good for the earth, it’s also about deepening your connection with the energies of the universe. And if you’re a client, consider seeking out a green tarot reader. It’s a small way to make a big difference.

In the end, tarot and green living are both about finding balance and harmony. And by integrating them, we can create a practice that’s not just sustainable for the earth, but also for our souls.

The Intersection of Tarot and Sustainability: A New Perspective

Tarot and Green Living: Sustainable Practices in Reading
Tarot and green living may seem like an unlikely pair at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that these two concepts can intersect in a harmonious and meaningful way. The practice of tarot reading, steeped in symbolism and introspection, can be a powerful tool for promoting sustainable living. This unique blend of spirituality and environmental consciousness offers a fresh perspective on how we can live in harmony with the natural world.

Imagine this: you’re sitting in a quiet room, a deck of tarot cards spread out before you. The cards are beautifully illustrated, each one a work of art in its own right. As you shuffle the deck and draw a card, you’re not just engaging in a spiritual practice. You’re also participating in a sustainable one. Many tarot readers today are choosing to use decks made from recycled materials, or printed with eco-friendly inks. This is a small but significant way to reduce our environmental footprint, and it adds a new layer of meaning to the act of tarot reading.

But the connection between tarot and sustainability goes deeper than the physical cards themselves. The very act of reading tarot can be seen as a form of environmental activism. When we read tarot, we’re seeking guidance and insight into our lives. We’re asking questions about our relationships, our careers, our dreams, and our fears. And in doing so, we’re also asking questions about our relationship with the natural world.

Tarot cards, with their rich symbolism, can help us to explore these questions in a profound way. For example, the Empress card, often associated with fertility and abundance, can prompt us to consider how we’re nurturing our planet. The Death card, a symbol of transformation and renewal, can inspire us to think about the ways in which we can change our habits to live more sustainably.

Moreover, the practice of tarot reading encourages mindfulness and introspection, qualities that are essential for sustainable living. When we read tarot, we’re forced to slow down, to pay attention, to listen. We’re reminded of the interconnectedness of all things, and of our role in the larger ecosystem. This heightened awareness can motivate us to make more conscious choices in our daily lives, from the products we buy to the food we eat.

In this way, tarot reading can serve as a catalyst for sustainable living. It’s a practice that encourages us to look inward, to reflect on our actions and their impact on the world around us. And it’s a practice that can be done in a way that respects and honors the earth.

So, the next time you sit down with your tarot deck, consider the ways in which this ancient practice can support your journey towards sustainability. Whether it’s choosing a deck made from recycled materials, or using your readings as a springboard for environmental action, there are countless ways to weave together the threads of tarot and green living. And in doing so, you’ll be contributing to a more sustainable and harmonious world.

In conclusion, the intersection of tarot and sustainability offers a new perspective on both practices. It’s a reminder that our spiritual and environmental journeys are not separate, but deeply intertwined. And it’s an invitation to explore this connection in our own lives, one tarot card at a time.

Eco-Friendly Tarot: How to Incorporate Sustainable Practices in Reading

Tarot and Green Living: Sustainable Practices in Reading

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and a sparkling river, I discovered the enchanting world of tarot. The intricate designs, the profound symbolism, and the intuitive connection I felt with the cards were nothing short of magical. But as my love for tarot deepened, so did my commitment to green living. I began to question how I could merge these two passions. How could I continue my tarot practice in a way that was kind to Mother Earth?

The answer, I found, was in sustainable practices.

The first step was to find a deck that aligned with my eco-friendly values. Many tarot decks are made with non-recyclable materials and packaged in plastic. However, a growing number of creators are embracing sustainability, producing decks from recycled or sustainably sourced paper, using vegetable-based inks, and packaging their decks in reusable or biodegradable materials. Some even plant trees for every deck sold. It was a joy to discover that I could continue my tarot practice without compromising my commitment to the environment.

Next, I turned my attention to the way I stored and cared for my cards. Instead of buying new, I repurposed a beautiful old wooden box that had been gathering dust in my attic. With a little love and care, it became the perfect home for my tarot deck. I also swapped my synthetic cleaning cloths for organic cotton ones and began using natural oils to cleanse my cards.

But sustainable tarot reading isn’t just about the physical cards. It’s also about the energy we use. I started incorporating energy-saving practices into my readings. Instead of relying on artificial light, I began reading by daylight or by the soft glow of beeswax candles. I also started doing outdoor readings, connecting with nature while interpreting the cards. This not only reduced my energy consumption but also added a new dimension to my readings.

And then there was the question of what to do with old or worn-out cards. In the past, I would have simply thrown them away. But in my quest for sustainable tarot, I discovered that they could be composted or used in creative projects. Old cards could become bookmarks, gift tags, or even part of a collage. This way, they were given a new life instead of ending up in a landfill.

Finally, I realized that sustainable tarot reading also meant sharing my knowledge and passion with others. I began teaching workshops on eco-friendly tarot practices, encouraging others to consider the environmental impact of their own tarot reading. I also started a tarot card exchange, where people could swap or donate their unwanted decks instead of throwing them away.

Incorporating sustainable practices into my tarot reading has been a journey of discovery and growth. It has deepened my connection with the cards and with the natural world. It has shown me that it’s possible to live in harmony with the earth, even in the most unexpected ways. And it has reminded me that every action, no matter how small, can make a difference.

So, if you’re a tarot enthusiast with a love for green living, why not try incorporating some sustainable practices into your readings? You might be surprised by the magic you discover.


In conclusion, integrating Tarot into green living and sustainable practices can provide a unique perspective on our relationship with the environment. It can help individuals gain insights into their personal journey towards sustainability, making environmentally conscious decisions more intuitive and meaningful. However, it’s important to ensure that the Tarot cards and related materials used are sourced sustainably to align with the principles of green living.